Product Details
what it is: A lightweight creamy gel that creates an invisible barrier between skin and makeup to prime your face with extra moisturzing to solve all your flaky-skin woes.
what it is formulated to do: Worn under foundation, this hydrating primer creates a smooth, flawless canvas for application, allowing foundation to glide on easily and stay fresh, keeping color true for hours. Ideal for drier skins, this hydrating formula nourishes with moisture-rich vitamins to soothe and condition and to take in and hold water more efficienty. The soothing antioxiants & moisturizers promote healthy, younger looking skin.
ingredient benefits: natural ingredients grape seed oil, vitamin E & A as well as Hyalauronic Acid retain moisture and help promote healthy, youthful skin and the antioxidants protect the skin from the harmful, aging effects of the environment.
cruelty free vegan paraben free gluten free made in usa